receta gazpacho cereza (1)

Cherry gazpacho recipe

Looking for a simple but refreshing and delicious recipe for this summer? We have her! Today we teach you how to prepare a delicious cherry gazpacho.

What do you need to prepare your cherry gazpacho?

  • Tomato: 400 g
  • Cherries: 200 g
  • Bread: 100g
  • Green Pepper: 40g
  • Onion: 40g
  • Extra virgin olive oil: 80 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar: 10 ml
  • Water approximately: 150 ml

How to prepare cherry gazpacho? Once the bread has been soaked in the water and the pits have been removed from the cherries, we put all the indicated ingredients in the blender, beating it until we obtain a very fine cream. Subsequently, we pass the gazpacho through a very fine strainer. Once passed, we test it and rectify if necessary. Finally, we let it rest in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to serve it very cold.  

 What did you think of this recipe? Follow us on Instagram @becherrycosmetics for more.

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